Command line tools

Since GLPI 9.2.2, command line tools are provided as supported scripts and are available from the scripts directory of the archive. On previous versions, those scripts were present in the tools directory that is not official and therefore not in the release archive.

Since GLPI 9.4.0, command line tools are being centralized in a console application (bin/console). Calling php bin/console from GLPI directory displays the list of available commands.


If APCu is installed on your system, it may fail from command line since default configuration disables it from command-line. To change that, set apc.enable_cli to on in your APCu configuration file.


When using cli tools, please check the system user you are currently logged in with, and permissions on files and directories. With a wrong user, logs, cache and other files may be created with rights that would not allow your webserver to read or write on thos files!

Console options

For every console command, following options are available:

  • --config-dir=CONFIG-DIR path of configuration directory to use, relative to current working directory (required only if a custom path is used)

  • -h, --help displays command help

  • --lang=LANG output language code (default value is existing GLPI «language» configuration or «en_GB»)

  • -n, --no-interaction disable command interactive questions

  • --no-plugins disable GLPI plugins during command execution

  • -q, --quiet disable command output

  • -v|vv|vvv, --verbose=VERBOSE verbosity level: 1 for normal output, 2 for more verbose output and 3 for debug

Additional install and update tools

Check requirements

Before installing or upgrading, requirements are automatically checked; but you can run them separately and see state for all of them using the php bin/console glpi:system:check_requirements command.

Enable/Disable maintenance

GLPI provides a maintenance mode that can be activated prior to an update, and deactivated after all has been checked.

Just use the glpi:maintenance:enable and glpi:maintenance:disable commands.


The php bin/console db:install has been made to install GLPI database in CLI mode.

Possible options for this command are:

  • -r, --reconfigure to enable overriding of any existing DB configuration file

  • -f, --force to force execution of installation even if database is not empty

  • -L, --default-language=DEFAULT_LANGUAGE default language of GLPI (en_GB per default)

  • -H, --db-host=DB_HOST host name (localhost per default)

  • -P, --db-port=DB_PORT database port (default MySQL port if option is not defined)

  • -d, --db-name=DB_NAME database name

  • -u, --db-user=DB_USER database user name

  • -p, --db-password=DB_PASSWORD database user’s password (use it without value to be prompted for password)

If mandatory options are not specified in the command call, the console will ask for them.

Database connection parameters may be omitted if a configuration file already exists.

See also console options.

Database connection configuration

Added in version 9.5.0.

The php bin/console db:configure has been made to define database connection parameters in CLI mode.

Possible options for this command are:

  • -r, --reconfigure to enable overriding of any existing DB configuration file

  • -H, --db-host=DB_HOST host name (localhost per default)

  • -P, --db-port=DB_PORT database port (default MySQL port if option is not defined)

  • -d, --db-name=DB_NAME database name

  • -u, --db-user=DB_USER database user name

  • -p, --db-password=DB_PASSWORD database user’s password (use it without value to be prompted for password)

If mandatory options are not specified in the command call, the console will ask for them.

See also console options.


The php bin/console db:update has been made to update GLPI database in CLI mode from a previously installed version.

There is no required arguments, just run the command so it updates your database automatically.


Не забывайте сделать резервную копию БД до попытки обновления!


Since GLPI 10.0.2, db:check_schema_integrity is executed before performing the update. If an error is detected, the command will ask you if you want to continue (unless --no-interaction is used). You can bypass this db:check_schema_integrity by using the option -s, --skip-db-checks.

Possible options for this command are:

  • -u, --allow-unstable allow update to an unstable version (use it with cautions)

  • -f, --force force execution of update from v-1 version of GLPI even if schema did not changed

  • -s, --skip-db-checks do not check database schema integrity before performing the update

  • --enable-telemetry allow usage statistics sending to Telemetry service (

  • --no-telemetry disallow usage statistics sending to Telemetry service (

See also console options.

Security key

Added in version 9.4.6.


GLPI key file is available for GLPI >= 9.4.6 but is not mandatory. As of GLPI 9.5, using the key file will be mandatory.

In order to store some sensitive data, GLPI relies on a homemade encryption/decryption tool, which uses a key to:

  • encrypt data before storing them in the database,

  • decrypt data that has been retrieved from the database.

The php bin/console glpi:security:change_key command allows to change the key, if it has been compromised for example. By default, command will:

  • generate a new key and and store it in the key file,

  • update all configured fields (for core and compatible plugins) to use the new key,

  • update all configuration entries listed (for core and compatible plugins) to use the new key.

Various tools

Database schema check

The php bin/console db:check_schema_integrity command can be used to check if your database schema differs from expected one.

Possible options for this command are:

  • --strict: Strict comparison of definitions

  • --check-all-migrations: Check tokens related to all databases migrations.

  • --check-innodb-migration: Check tokens related to migration from «MyISAM» to «InnoDB».

  • --check-timestamps-migration: Check tokens related to migration from «datetime» to «timestamp».

  • --check-utf8mb4-migration: Check tokens related to migration from «utf8» to «utf8mb4».

  • --check-dynamic-row-format-migration: Check tokens related to «DYNAMIC» row format migration.

  • --check-unsigned-keys-migration: Check tokens related to migration from signed to unsigned integers in primary/foreign keys.

  • -p, --plugin: Plugin to check. If option is not used, checks will be done on GLPI core database tables.

If you have any diff, output will looks like :

$ php bin/console glpi:database:check_schema_integrity
Table schema differs for table "glpi_rulecriterias".
--- Original
+++ New
@@ @@
 create table `glpi_rulecriterias` (
   `id` int(11) not null auto_increment
   `rules_id` int(11) not null default '0'
   `criteria` varchar(255) default null
   `condition` int(11) not null default '0'
-  `pattern` text default null
+  `pattern` text
   primary key (`id`)

Compared to the GLPI installation file:

  • a line that starts with - means that something is missing in your database

  • a line that starts with + means that there is something extra in your database

You can also have a message like Unknown table "glpi_tablename" has been found in database., this indicates that this table doesn’t exist in the installation file of the current GLPI schema:

  • either it’s a table that you have voluntarily created for your needs, you can ignore this message

  • either it’s an old GLPI table which is no longer useful, you can delete it (taking care to make a backup before)

LDAP synchonization

The bin/console glpi:ldap:synchronize_users command can be used to synchronize users against LDAP server informations.

Possible options for this command are:

  • -c, --only-create-new only create new users

  • -u, --only-update-existing only update existing users

  • -s, --ldap-server-id[=LDAP-SERVER-ID] synchronize only users attached to this LDAP server (multiple values allowed)

  • -f, --ldap-filter[=LDAP-FILTER] filter to apply on LDAP search

  • --begin-date[=BEGIN-DATE] begin date to apply in «modifyTimestamp» filter

  • --end-date[=END-DATE] end date to apply in «modifyTimestamp» filter

  • -d, --deleted-user-strategy[=DELETED-USER-STRATEGY] force strategy used for deleted users:

    • 0: Preserve

    • 1: Put in trashbin

    • 2: Withdraw dynamic authorizations and groups

    • 3: Disable

    • 4: Disable + Withdraw dynamic authorizations and groups

See for supported date formats in --begin-date and --end-date options.

See also console options.

Task unlock

The php bin/console task:unlock command can be used to unlock stucked cron tasks.


Keep in mind that no task should be stucked except in case of a bug or a system failure (database failure during cron execution for example).

Possible options for this command are:

  • -a, --all unlock all tasks

  • -c, --cycle[=CYCLE] execution time (in cycles) from which the task is considered as stuck (delay = task frequency * cycle)

  • -d, --delay[=DELAY] execution time (in seconds) from which the task is considered as stuck (default: 1800)

  • -t, --task[=TASK] itemtype::name of task to unlock (e.g: MailCollector::mailgate)

See also console options.

Plugins tools

Added in version 9.5.

Some command line tolls are also available to manage plugins from command line:

  • glpi:plugin:install

  • glpi:plugin:activate

  • glpi:plugin:deactivate

In order to install MyGreatPlugin; you should end with something like:

$ ./bin/console glpi:plugin:install MyGreatPlugin
$ ./bin/console glpi:plugin:activate MyGreatPlugin

Each of those plugin commands can take a plugin name as argument, or the --all flag to be ran on all plugins.

Migration tools

From MyISAM to InnoDB

Added in version 9.3.0.

Since version 9.3.0, GLPI uses the InnoDB engine instead of previously used MyISAM engine.

The php bin/console glpi:migration:myisam_to_innodb command can be used to migrate exiting tables to InnoDB engine.

Missing timestamps builder

Added in version 9.1.0.

Prior to GLPI 9.1.0, fields corresponding to creation and modification dates were not existing.

The php bin/console glpi:migration:build_missing_timestamps command can be used to rebuild missing values using available logs.

Use timestamp data type

Added in version 9.5.0.

Many date fields were using the DATETIME type, but this does not allow to rely on timezones. Timezone support requires all fields to use TIMESTAMP data type, but this query can be very long and therefore is not included in the standard update process.

Using the glpi:migration:timestamps command will change those fields to the correct data type, but read documentation on timezones before.


Ensure to backup your database before!

Migrate Domains plugin

Added in version 9.5.0.

Domains in GLPI have evolved from a simple dropdown to a more complex object, including records management among others. Therefore, the Domains plugins feature are now included in core.

To migrate your plugin data; use the glpi:migration:domains_plugin_to_core command. Presence of the plugin is mandatory so checks can be run, you can use the --without-plugin switch but this is not recommended. If you were using an older version of the plugin than the one required, you can use the --update-plugin flag.

At the end, all domains types, domains and item relations will be migrated in core tables.

Migrate Racks plugin

Added in version 9.5.0.

Since GLPI 9.3.0, data center infrastructure management is available as a core feature. A migration script from Racks plugin was provided inside the scripts directory. Since GLPI 9.5.0, this migration script has been refactored and moved inside the CLI console.

To migrate your plugin data; use the glpi:migration:racks_plugin_to_core command. Presence of the plugin is mandatory so checks can be run, you can use the --without-plugin switch but this is not recommended. If you were using an older version of the plugin than the one required, you can use the --update-plugin flag.

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